Dr. Esha Niyogi De has published a new, single-authored monograph, Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia, available on University of Illinois Press' website.
CAORC Funded
*Funding provided by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State through a grant from the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC).
Neelam Khoja
Affiliated Institution: Harvard University
Conference Name: American Historical Association (AHA) Conference
Conference Dates: January 4-7, 2018
Title of Paper: "The Butcher of Hindustan": Ahmad Shah Abdali in 18th Century Punjab
Paper Abstract Final Report
Esha Niyogi De
Affiliated Institution: University of California - Los Angeles
Conference Name: Workshop on Urban Utopias: Memory, Rights and Speculations
Conference Dates: February 21-22, 2018
Title of Paper: Action Heroines and Corporeal Utopia: Trans-Urban Women's Cinema in Islamizing Pakistan
Paper Abstract Final Report
Alexis M. Saba
Affiliated Institution: Indiana University
Conference Name: Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference
Conference Dates: March 25-29, 2018
Title of Paper: Development Custodians of the Right to Education in Punjab, Pakistan
Paper Abstract Final Report
Randall W. Law
Affiliated Institution: University of Wisconsin - Madison
Conference Name: European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art
Conference Dates: July 2-6, 2018
Title of Paper: Steatite Civilization: An overview of Harappan talc acquisition and trade networks
Paper Abstract Final Report
Dean Accardi
Affiliated Institution: Connecticut College
Conference Name: 47th Annual Conference on South Asia
Conference Dates: October 11-14, 2018
Title of Paper: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Kashmir's Invoked Pasts
Paper Abstract Final Report
Nabeeha Chaudhary
Affiliated Institution: University of Texas at Austin
Conference Name: 47th Annual Conference on South Asia
Conference Dates: October 11-14, 2018
Title of Paper: Home, Mobility, and the 'New Woman'-Dobara Phir Se and the 'New' Pakistani Film
Paper Abstract Final Report
Sohaib Khan
Affiliated Institution: Columbia University
Conference Name: 47th Annual Conference on South Asia
Conference Dates: October 11-14, 2018
Title of Paper: "Let the Beard Grow and Trim the Mustache": Muslim Ethics between Mimesis and Embodiment
Paper Abstract Final Report
Funded by AIPS Unrestricted Funds
Maria-Magdalena Fuchs
Affiliated Institution: Princeton University
Conference Name: Association for Asian Studies 2018 Conference
Conference Dates: March 22-25, 2018
Title of Paper: Act in the Living Present: Muslim Voluntary Associations in Colonial Punjab and the Quest for a "Modern" Islam
Paper Abstract Final Report
Maira Hayat
Affiliated Institution: University of Chicago
Conference Name: Association for Asian Studies 2018 Conference
Conference Dates: March 22-25, 2018
Title of Paper: "We have always wanted to be modern": sovereignty, a shared river basin and the postcolonial in Pakistan
Paper Abstract Final Report
Zunaira Yousaf
Affiliated Institution: Binghamton University - State University of New York
Conference Name: 49th Northeast Modern Language Association Conference
Conference Dates: April 12-14, 2018
Title of Paper: Nostalgia and Identity ub Mohsib Hamid's Fiction
Paper Abstract Final Report
Adeem Suhail
Affiliated Institution: Emory University
Conference Name: Precarity/Promise: 2018 Stanford Anthropology Graduate Conference
Conference Dates: April 27-28, 2018
Title of Paper: Gangs and Procrustean Beds: Precarity and possibility amidst an urban gang war in Karachi, Pakistan
Paper Abstract Final Report
Mishal Khan
Affiliated Institution: University of Chicago
Conference Name: Social Science History Association
Conference Dates: November 8-11, 2018
Title of Paper: Imperial Constructs and Difference: Contestations and Durabilities
Paper Abstract Final Report