Dr. Esha Niyogi De has published a new, single-authored monograph, Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia, available on University of Illinois Press' website.
Fellowships: Funded by Council of American Overseas Research Centers
*Funding provided by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State through a grant from the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC).
Elizabeth Lhost
Field: South Asian Languages and Civilizations, Area Studies/History
Project Title: Between Community and Qānūn: Documenting Islamic legal practice in 19th-century South Asia
Affiliated Institution: University of Chicago
Fellowship Type: Long-term, 3 months in London
Abstract Final Report
Ameem Lutfi
Field: Anthropology and History
Affiliated Institution: Duke University
Project Title: Soldiering the Seas: Baloch mercenaries and state building in Bahrain and Pakistan
Fellowship Type: Long-term, 6 months in Manama, Zanzibar, & Mumbai
Abstract Final Report
Waleed Ziad (funded by other sources)
Field: South and Central Asia, History
Project Title: Trans-regional Authority in the Age of Political Fragmentation and the Great Game
Affiliated Institution: Yale University
Fellowship Type: Long-term, 4 months in Uzbekistan, UK
Abstract Final Report
Short-Term Fellowships: Funded by Public Affairs Section, American Embassy, Islamabad, Pakistan
Chad Haines
Field: Religious Studies
Project Title: Being Muslim, Being Global: Everyday Ethics, Urban Sociality, and Islamic Modernity in Islamabad
Affiliated Institution: Arizona State University
Fellowship Type: Short-term, 1.5 months in Lahore
Abstract Final Report
Elizabeth Bolton
Field: Media Studies
Project Title: Tele-guiding: Religion and Television in Contemporary Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: University of Texas at Austin
Fellowship Type: Short-term, 5 months in Islamabad
Abstract Final Report
Waqas H. Butt
Field: Cultural Anthropology
Project Title: Cleaning the City of Waste: Labor and Infrastructure in Colonial and Contemporary Lahore
Affiliated Institution: University of California, San Diego
Fellowship Type: Short-term, 5 months in Lahore
Abstract Final Report
Lubna Chaudhry
Field: Sociocultural Studies in Education
Project Title: Pakistani Christians: Perspectives on Violence, Identity, and Citizenship
Affiliated Institution: State University of New York, Binghamton
Fellowship Type: Short-term, 2 months in Islamabad
Abstract Final Report
Filomena Critelli
Field: Social Welfare
Title: An Examination of NGO Strategies and Interventions to Address Gender-Based Violence in Pakistan: Impacts, Successes, and Challenges
Affiliated Institution: University at Buffalo
Fellowship Type: Short-term, 2 months in Islamabad and Lahore
Abstract Final Report
Samina Iqbal
Field: Art History
Project Title: Modern Art of Pakistan: Lahore Art Circle 1947-1957
Affiliated Institution: Virginia Commonwealth University
Fellowship Type: Short-term, 2 months in Islamabad and Lahore
Abstract Final Report
Abbas Jaffer
Field: Social Anthropology Project Title: Rocking Online: Digital Publics and Pakistani Music
Affiliated Institution: Harvard University
Fellowship Type: Short-term, 5 months in Lahore
Abstract Final Report
Christopher Candland
Field: Development Studies
Project Title: Workshop-based Research Consultations on “Faith and Survival”
Affiliated Institution: Wellesley College
Fellowship Type: Short-term, 1 month in Islamabad and Lahore
Abstract Final Report
Sayyeda Zehra Razvi
Field: Comparative Literature
Project Title: A Space & Time for Storytelling: Reconfiguring of Spatial & Temporal Experience in the Work of Intizar Husain
Affiliated Institution: University of California Davis
Fellowship Type: Short-term, 2 months in Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract Final Report