Dr. Esha Niyogi De has published a new, single-authored monograph, Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia, available on University of Illinois Press' website.
Future Directions In Pakistan Studies
AIPS-Hosted Conference at the University of Michigan
April 4, 2015
This was the first in a series of three workshops that AIPS will organize in the coming year and a half. These workshops would explore themes beyond the dominant academic areas of study on Pakistan, namely security studies, gender and Islam. While understanding the significance of the prevailing research focus, these workshops would broaden the scope of discussion and eventually a report would be written that lays out an agenda to determine future research trajectory and production of knowledge on the country. Within this background, the focus of this particular workshop was art and architectural history, urban studies and cultural history.
It brought together leading academics, including:
Iftikhar Dadi - Associate Professor, Departments of History of Art and Art, Cornell University
Kishwar Rizvi – Associate Professor, Department of History and Art, Yale, historian of Islamic Art and Architecture
Haris Gazdar – Senior Researcher, Collective for Social Science Research, Karachi
Rabia Nadir - Assistant Professor and Acting Head of the Centre for Media Studies, Lahore School of Economics
Manan Ahmed - Assistant Professor, Department of History, Columbia University
Framji Minwalla - Chair, Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts,Institute of Business Administration, Karachi
Kamran Asdar Ali - Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology; and Director, South Asia Institute, University of Texas, Austin
The full conference program can be viewed on the University of Michigan, Center for South Asian Studies website.